LNG: long parcel, length longer than width.
WDE: wide parcel, width longer than length, or long side facing protected land.
SQR: square parcel, length equal (or nearly equal) to width.
CNR: corner parcel, protected on 2 sides.
TRG: triangular parcel, 3 sided parcel.
PSA: peninsula parcel, protected on 3 sides.
THN: narrow parcel.
Point: corner parcel in a SIM
Offsite Prims: additional prims located on 2nd parcel on the same SIM, usable on the main parcel.
Beachfront: waterfront natural beach.
Roadside: driveable parcel adjacent to linden roads.
Waterland: parcel where the natural soil does not rise above the water level.
Natural beach: parcel where the natural soil rises above the water level. Rare, only 15% of mainland coast.
Sailable: see waterfront.
2x Protected: parcel that has 2 sides adjacent to linden SIMs.

Town Rentals & Economics




8192 SQM  & OTHERS





DEVILBROOK SUITE R1A-R1B-R3A-R3B: Blake 4096 LNG: (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Riverfront natural land close to the Bingo Strait and locked land.
Land-locked natural beach. 1024 sqm, 351 prims, rent for $1 usd/wk.




DEVILBROOK SUITE R2-R4: Blake 4096 LNG: (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Riverfront natural land close to the Bingo Strait and locked land.
2048 sqm, 703 prims, rent for L$495/wk.


LOOMINO SUITE H14, H16: Blake 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long each), rated G.
Natural land with shared rez zone area with Blake Sea access.
1024 sqm, 351 prims, rent for L$225/wk.



PHASMOGORIA SUITE N7- N8: Ocean View 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Non-sailable hillside with unblockable ocean view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. Lease for $1 usd per week.


PRYCHEK SUITE I6-I7: Blake, 1024 LNG, (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Inland waterland, Land locked non sailable.
1024 sqm, 703 prims. Lease $1 usd/Wk.



NAUTILUS - ESHMUN: Nautilus City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Nautilus City luxury parcel with ocean view in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas. 
1024 sqm, 702 prims, rent for L$ 595 per week.

NAUTILUS - GISCO 196,96: Nautilus City 1024 sqm SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Nautilus - Gisco 196,96: Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.

1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 495 per week.


NAUTILUS - GISCO 228,128: Nautilus City 1024 sqm SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Nautilus - Gisco 228,128: Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.

1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 495 per week.


NAUTILUS - HANNO SUITE 128,204: Nautilus City 4096 SQR (64m wide x 64m long), rated M.

Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.

1024 sqm x 4 (4096 SQR), 2808 prims. Lease for L$ 1495 per week.


NAUTILUS - KOTHAR SUITE: Nautilus City 4096 SQR (64m wide x 64m long), rated M.
Nautilus - Kothar Suite: Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.
1024 sqm x 4 (4096 SQR), 2808 prims. Lease for L$ 1495 per week.

NAUTILUS - MELQART SUITE: Nautilus City 4096 SQR (64m wide x 64m long), rated M.
Nautilus - Hanno Suite: Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.
1024 sqm x 4 (4096 SQR), 2808 prims. Lease for L$ 1495 per week.

NAUTILUS - SHAHAR SUITE 1: Nautilus City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M
Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.
1024 sqm, 702 prims, rent for L$495/Wk.

NAUTILUS - SHAHAR SUITE 2: Nautilus City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M
Nautilus City luxury living in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.
1024 sqm, 702 prims, rent for L$495/Wk.


NAUTILUS - SOPHONISBA SUITE w5: Nautilus City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Nautilus City luxury parcel with ocean and sunset views in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.
1024 sqm, 702 prims, rent for L$ 495 per week.

NAUTILUS - SOPHONISBA SUITE w6: Nautilus City 2048 LNG (32m wide x 64m long), rated M.

Nautilus City luxury parcel with ocean and sunset views in the middle of one of SL's most prestigious areas.

2048 sqm, 1404 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/week.



HORIZONS AURORA: Town 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated A.
Roadside adult land in Zindra.
1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 495 per week.

HORIZONS PANDORA (68,16): Town 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated A.
Riverside double prim land with waterview in Zindra.
1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 495 per week.

HORIZONS PANDORA (188,48): Town 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated A.
Horizon Pandora, riverside land in the newest are of Second Life.
1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 395 per week.


BAY CITY - MADDEQUET: Bay City 1024 CNR (approx 32m wide x 32m long), rated G.
Suburban living! 2x protected riverside corner with ocean view.
1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$495 per week.

Bay City - Moloch Suite (240,16): Bay City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Suburban living, road and ocean view parcel.
1024 sqm, 702 prims, rent for L$495/wk.

BAY CITY - SANDWICH SUITE (208,104): Bay City 1024 SQR (32m wide x 32m long), rated G.
Suburban living, protected road side parcel.
1024 sqm, 702 prims. Lease for L$ 400 per week.

BAY CITY - SCONSET SUITE 2: Bay City - Sconset 1152 LNG (approx 48m wide x 24m long), rated G.

Suburban living, protected canal side parcel.

1152 sqm, 790 prims. Lease for L$ 450 per week.


BAY CITY - SCONSET SUITE 3: Bay City - Sconset 1152 LNG (approx 48m wide x 24m long), rated G.

 Suburban living, protected canal side parcel.

1152 sqm, 790 prims. Lease for L$ 450 per week.


BAY CITY - SCONSET SUITE 5: Bay City - Sconset 1280 sqm TRG (approx 40m wide x 32m long), rated G.
Bay City - Sconset Suite 5: Suburban living, protected canal side parcel.
1280 sqm, 878 prims. Lease for L$575 per week.

SHERMERVILE: Small town living!

BLUMFIELD SUITE 3: Suburban 512 LNG (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Corner roadside: Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.

BLUMFIELD SUITE 9: Suburban 1024 LNG (approx 24m wide x 40m long), rated M.
Corner roadside: Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. Lease for L$ 351 per week.

BLUMFIELD SUITE 10: Suburban 512 SQR (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Corner roadside: Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE 1: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood roadside.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. rent for L$351/Wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE 5: Suburban 512 sqm SQR (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Shermerville NW Suite 5: Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood..
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE 9: Suburban 512 SQR (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE  14, 15, 16: Suburban 512 SQR (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.




SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE 12: Suburban 512 LNG (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Corner, suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE E1: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims, rent for L$351/wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE E3: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. rent for L$351/Wk.
SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE E4: Suburban 512 SQR (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
512 sqm, 175 prims, rent for L$175/wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE E7: Town 1536 WDE (approx 60m wide x 24m long), rated M
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
1536 sqm, 527 prims, rent for L$527/wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE N1: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. rent for L$351/Wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE N2: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean & sunrise view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. rent for L$351/Wk.

SHERMERVILLE NW SUITE N3: Suburban 1024 WDE (approx 40m wide x 24m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean view.
1024 sqm, 351 prims. rent for L$351/Wk.

WEST HAVEN SUITE S3-S8: Suburban 1024 LNG (approx 24m wide x 40m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood with protected ocean view.
512 sqm x 2 (1024), 175 prims x 2 (351), rent for L$351/wk.



WEST HAVEN SUITE  4, 8,18: Suburban 512 SQR (approximately 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Corner parcel in a quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims. Lease for L$ 175 per week.



WEST HAVEN SUITE 10-11-22: Suburban 512 LNG (approx 16m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood. Roadside Parcel.
512 sqm, 175 prims , rent for L$175/wk.




WEST HAVEN SUITE 3-6-9- 12-15-21: Suburban 512 LNG (approx 16m wide x 32m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
512 sqm, 175 prims , rent for L$175/wk.







WEST HAVEN SUITE 19: Suburban 1024 LNG (approx 24m wide x 20m long), rated M.
Suburban living! Quiet residential neighborhood.
1024 sqm, 351 prims, rent for L$351 per week.